Monday, May 2, 2016

My Daybook

For Today... May 2, 2015

Looking out my window... a squirrel hanging upside down on our "squirrel proof" bird feeder. I think its cute :)

I am thinking... that I'm glad that the sun is shining again after having so many cloudy, rainy days.

I am thankful... our dog is feeling better after he wasn't feeling well yesterday. He wasn't his usual self.

One of my favorite things... taking walks in the evening and taking pictures.

I am wearing... a blue and black tank top and black shorts.

I am reading... thinking about starting, "The Witch of Blackbird Pond." I've read it several times before and I always I enjoy it when I do. It was a book I first read back when I was still in school.

I am hoping... we don't have anymore cloudy and rainy days this week (which we probably will).

I am learning... how to use my new camera. I love taking pictures and I'm trying to learn all the ins and outs of it.

In my kitchen...

Stirring up an orange salad, made with cottage cheese, cool whip, orange jello, and fruit cocktail. 

A Shared Quote...

"Sometimes the smallest steps in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life. Tip toe if you must, but take the step."

A moment from my day...

Bright blue skies on this lovely Monday!


  1. I like the quote that you shared, and enjoyed reading your daybook. I like the book, "The Witch of Blackbird Pond" also :)

  2. We have had all those rainy, stormy days including a small tornado so it was nice to see sun today. My granddaughter would love seeing your blog. She is 7 but loves anything Paris.

  3. Your salad looks great. I enjoyed your blog. The tree picture is beautiful. Lovely sky. I hope you have a great week.

  4. Glad your dog is feeling better.
    Pretty blog site.
    I remember reading THE WITCH OF BLACKBIRD POND many, many years ago. I think I read a few of her books. (I liked THE BRONZE BOW, which I read again a couple of years ago.)
    Just jumping in for The Simple Woman's Daybook for the first time (with my PRACTICALLY AT HOME blog. Glad to find yours!

  5. I love the quote you shared!! Have fun learning your new camera!! Have a great week!
